Tennessee lawmakers apprehensive with unlawful immigration are introducing the whole thing from an Arizona-style enforcement bill to necessities that driver's license exams be in English.

Analogous measures in the past have mostly been canceled in the House. This year, with Republican majorities in both the House as well as Senate, those procedures have their greatest chance yet of becoming law. But Republicans are less than integrated on what procedures to pass and how.

Speaking at a forum sponsored by The Associated Press and the Tennessee Press Association lately, Senate Speaker Ron Ramsey uttered trained support for requiring employers to utilize the federal E-Verify program to ensure their employees are authorized to work in the U.S.

He added that his main goal is to make Tennessee the finest place in the nation to own and operate a business.Additonally he added that he wanted to make sure that they were addressing those unlawful immigration problems, but not putting excessive burdens and unjustified paperwork on small businesses.